Weed Control inside greenhouses and enclosed structures

April 30, 2015

Dr. Chris Marbles, Univ of Florida on the importance of weed control in greenhouses and enclosed structures

Presented at SAF conference, Orlando, FL 2015

Weeds of containerized crops in enclosed structures are often more problematic in nursery than greenhouse crops, primarily because most greenhouse crops are grown with higher quality media that is relatively free of weed seed.  However, weeds still cause problems in floriculture crops often due to poor cultural practices. Gravel and fabric mulch can reduce weed germination, but in some cases gravel will become filled with potting media and crop debris, negating their initial benefits.

Weeds easily germinate along edges, and at tears and worn areas of weed block fabric. Scouting is critical to determine if weed seeds are germinating in pots.  Weeds under benches or in walkways may not directly impact plant growth but they do harbor pests (aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and mites). The most cost-effective weed control is prevention and using both chemical and non-chemical methods for a truly integrated pest management (IPM) program.

Full article here: Weed Control inside Greenhouses and Enclosed Structures


OHP introduces improved Marengo G formulation

January 24, 2015

OHP, Inc. announces the availability of the new and improved Marengo® granular herbicide formulation.

Marengo G herbicide with new verge granules

Marengo G herbicide using New Verge granules.

The new formulation of Marengo G allows for easier application and provides the same effective performance.

We’re pleased with the initial response and market acceptance we saw with the original Marengo G formulation,” notes Dan Stahl, OHP vice president of marketing and business development. “We feel Marengo G produced on the new granule will result in even greater market penetration.

The new Marengo G formulation, with its active ingredient indaziflam, is produced on granules that utilize the proprietary Verge® technology, resulting in larger, heavier, and more uniform particles that offer several advantages for users:

  • Reduced dust for less applicator exposure;
  • More uniform coverage;
  • More accurate, on-target applications even in breezier conditions;
  • Less chance for plant injury as the heavier particle rolls freely off of plant surfaces

The new formulation looks and handles much like Biathlon®, another quality OHP herbicide, notes David Barcel, OHP senior technical manager for herbicides and PGRs.

Both Marengo G and Biathlon are produced utilizing the Verge granule technology,” says Barcel. “We have received nothing but positive feedback from Biathlon users and anticipate the same with Marengo G.

Marengo G offers effective, long-term pre-emergent control of both broadleaf and grassy weeds with little effect on desirable plants. The product does not volatilize and does not move in the soil once it is watered-in after application.

Marengo G can be applied over-the-top of containers in nurseries, and may be applied in hoop, shade and lath houses.

OHP is a leading marketer of pest and weed control solutions to the production ornamentals market.

Click here more information on the reformulated Marengo G.


Pollinator update: Insecticide alternatives.

September 5, 2014

At OHP we pride ourselves for bringing the very best crop protection tools into the US ornamental production market. Recent events in the news have sparked a lot of discussion and questions regarding the impact of neonicotinoid insecticides on honey bees and other pollinators.  This has led some growers and retailers away from this family of insecticides which includes some of the most effective and environmentally safe insecticides available today. We are proud to have been the first to bring Neonicotinoid insecticides into our market 20 years ago and we continue to support the use of these important tools in accordance with science based EPA regulations.

Although we continue to support the use of Neonicotinoid insecticides, we understand that growers are looking for chemical alternatives to manage insect pests. Unfortunately there is no single insecticide product  or family of products that provides the breath and length of activity as Marathon®, Discus® (Imidacloprid) or the other neonicotinoid insecticides. However, for growers seeking alternatives, OHP carries an extensive and diverse portfolio of chemical solutions. These include Kontos® (Spirotetramat), and many other insecticides like Judo® (Spiromesifen), Decathlon® (Cyfluthrin), Fulcrum® (Pyriproxyfen), Pedestal® (Novaluron), Adept® (Diflubenzuron), Azatin® O (Azadirachtin) and Triact® (Neem oil).

Kontos is a systemic insecticide for the control of sucking insect pests. Systemic insecticides are incorporated by the plant after application and move from treated surfaces to untreated ones, thus providing better protection than contact-insecticide sprays.  All systemic insecticide molecules available today can move acropetally (towards the tips of the plant) via the xylem but, often because they are highly water-soluble, do not effectively move basipetally (towards the base of the plant) in the phloem.  Kontos is a true systemic insecticide; once in the plant, it converts into a molecule with the perfect combination of characteristics for xylem and phloem mobility.  Kontos is one of very few insecticides available today that is able to move ‘up and down’ the plant and provide complete protection against key pests.

Kontos is also friendly to our environment; since it works within the plant tissues, it is non toxic to pollinators and other insects that do not feed directly on the plant’s sap. Kontos is very quickly degraded by microorganisms in the soil and on the plant surface and it is used at such a low concentration (less than 0.03% by volume) that the chemical load on the environment is very low compared to traditional chemistries.  Also, since it works by inhibiting lipid synthesis (fat reserves) in the developing insects it has little effect on most adult predators and parasitoids that have already developed these fat reserves. Therefore, Kontos is highly compatible with biological control programs within an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy.

Kontos should be used early in the crop cycle to prevent pest damage and not as a rescue treatment; it takes time for the product to reach lethal concentrations within the xylem and phloem tissues and to get translocated through the plant. Applications targeting small initial pest populations not only are more effective but also minimize aesthetic damage and plant losses. 


OHP launches new Segway® O Ornamental Fungicide

April 16, 2014

OHP Inc. announced today that it has entered into a marketing partnership to add Segway® O Ornamental Fungicide to its productSegway O Ornamental Fungicide from OHP, Inc. portfolio.

As part of the agreement with ISK Biosciences Corp, OHP will provide sales and technical support beginning May 19 for Segway O to production ornamental growers. Segway O provides excellent control of oomycete diseases such as pythium, phytophthora crown and root rot, phytophthora aerial blight, and downy mildews.

We’re thrilled to add Segway to our product portfolio,” said Dan Stahl, OHP vice president of marketing and business development. “It’s a great fit into a rotational disease control program with our existing fungicides Aliette® and Terrazole®.

Cyazofamid, the active ingredient in Segway O, is a proprietary product of ISK and is the only member of fungicide Mode of Action (MOA) Group #21, making it an ideal candidate for inclusion into a disease control rotational strategy, noted Dr. Carlos Bográn, OHP technical manager for insecticides and fungicides.

Effective as a spray or drench, Segway O provides control of 7 to 28 days, depending on disease pressure, noted Dr. Bográn.

OHP will deliver Segway O in a convenient 16 oz. container that accommodates the average greenhouse and nursery user.

We’re excited to form another partnership with an outstanding technology provider, ISK Biosciences,” said Terry Higgins, OHP vice president and general manager. “With the power of the OHP brand and our marketing, sales, and technical support, we expect Segway O to become fully established in the greenhouse and nursery markets in short order.

OHP, Inc. is a leading supplier of pest control solutions for the ornamental industry.   ISK Biosciences Corp. is a 100% owned subsidiary of Japan based Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd. (ISK)

(Segway is a registered trademark of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. Aliette is a registered trademark of Bayer Corp. Terrazole is a registered trademark of Chemtura Corp.)


Go to Cultivate 2014 – For FREE!

March 24, 2014

If you have never been to the OFA Short Course in Columbus Ohio, then do something different for your business in 2014 and check it out. With a new name CULTIVATE, and an entire tour devoted to nursery production, this always well-attended show offers nursery growers the latest production techniques and the hottest new varieties.

We believe so strongly that this is a must attend event, Nursery Management, AmericanHort and OHP have teamed up and are sending FIVE NURSERY GROWERS to Cultivate 2014 – on us! Want to go? Simply fill out the application below and tell us why you should be one of the five nursery management professionals we should send to Cultivate 2014!

If you are one of the five chosen, NM, AmericanHort and OHP will pick up the cost of an ALL ACCESS PACKAGE for you PLUS a spot on the Saturday Nursery Production Tour (value $505). Package includes unlimited educational sessions and access to the trade show, New Varieties & Products, Cultivate Happy Hour, and all networking and social events, and Nursery Production Tour. We will also contribute $1,000 towards your total travel costs.

Click here to sign up!


Entries must be submitted by May 31, 2014. Winners will be notified by email.

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