Once again, OHP will be exhibiting at the premier event in the world of professional horticulture, the OFA Short Course in Columbus, OH. The dates for this year's event are July 13-16, 2013. Both Senior Technical Manager Dave Barcel and Technical Manager Dr. Carlos Bográn are on the educational program.
Dave is speaking on PGR use in two sessions:
Carlos is speaking in two sessions as well:
Please check out the sessions. You won't be disappointed.
In addition, Dr. Charles Gilliam of Auburn Univ. will be in our booth on Monday, July 15, from 2-4 p.m. to talk with our guests on his herbicide research. We encourage attendees to stop by our booth (#1129) and say "hello." As always, we will have a full staff on-hand and some cool giveaways and special booth activities.
We'll also be at some of the other summer trade shows including the Farwest Show in Portland, OR (booths # 14015/15016) Aug. 22-24 and the OFA Disease, Insect, and Plant Growth Management in Vancouver, WA Sept. 9-11.
We hope to see you sometime this summer!