If continuously spraying for insects is an
increasing problem, you might want to
take a critical look at Discus® Tablets from
We launched the novel product last August
and the response from the field has been
overwhelmingly positive.
Discus Tablets deliver imidacloprid (active
ingredient in Marathon®) to the root zone
in a unique delivery system.
Application may be made to established plants or at planting. Growers simply insert the tablets into the root zone of trees and shrubs grown in greenhouses and field and container nurseries. It's critical that the tablet be placed into the soil and not left on top. Consult the label for specific application rates and instructions. As the tablet breaks down, it releases imidacloprid which is taken up systemically by the roots and translocated throughout the plant. The result is long-term control of sucking and chewing insects such as aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, Japanese Beetles, leafhoppers, and more. The need to spray with insecticides is greatly reduced after a Discus Tablet application. The tablets are formulated to provide consistent delivery of the active ingredient (imidacloprid) over time.
Release of the A.I. is dependent on the presence of adequate soil moisture, notes Dr. Carlos Bográn, OHP technical manager. For those applying Discus Tablets to containers, "growers should make certain to allow no run out from the container for at least three irrigations or 10 days, whichever is longer," says Bográn." Growers should ensure that the plant receives regular irrigation for at least 2-3 months after treatment."
Discus Tablets contain a 12-9-4 fertilizer charge to enhance initial uptake. Discus Tablets may provide up to two years control on production ornamentals. Discus Tablets are packaged in a widemouth resealable container with 1,200 tablets. There are four containers per case