We announced great news for growers this spring with the relaunch of our highly-effective Terraclor® 400 Ornamental Fungicide. Because of a regulatory issue, the product was temporarily unavailable. Now it's back and many growers are taking advantage of its efficacy against rhizoctonia, sclerotinia, and and Phyllosticta.
The liquid fungicide may be used in greenhouses, nurseries, and shadehouse as well as on landscape and field grown ornamentals. Terraclor can be sprayed, drenched, or used as a bulb soak on a variety of woody plants, bedding plants, bulb crops such as gladiolas, hyacinths, iris, tulips, and lillies.
Terraclor 400 can be used on Southern Magnolia Trees for control of phyllosticta cookeri. There's more good news. Terraclor may be used as a soil drench on vegetable bedding plants grown in containers or beds including tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, and cabbage for control of rhizoctonia solani prior to transplanting in the field.
Terraclor 400 is available through authorized OHP distributors in a one-gallon container, four to a case. It carries a 12-hour REI and a Caution signal word.