Sirocco provides quick knockdown and long residual control of a wide variety of insects and pests such as thrips and mites. Sirocco may be used in greenhouse, shadehouses, nurseries (including Christmas tree / conifer plantations), landscapes and interiorscapes.
Ornamentals including bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants, bulb crops, perennials, and trees and shrubs.
Mites such as: Broad mite, Cyclamen mite, Lewis mite, Two-spotted spider mite. Insects such as: Aphids, Thrips, Whiteflies and Leafminers. (Suppression only on aphids, thrips and whiteflies.)
8 fluid ounces, 8 per case.
Apply in sufficient volume of water to ensure thorough coverage of the foliage. Begin application as soon as mites appear. For suppression of pest populations, young immature stages must be contacted by the spray. One additional application can be made after 7 days.